A Childhood Dream Collapse

A Childhood Dream Collapse

Broken illusions . Day and nights . Life has not turned out the way it supposed to be . Selling the hollywood tv dream . In your childhood you believed in good . Now life is bad. A childhood dream kollaps...
Anti-Social Club (Script)

Anti-Social Club (Script)

ANTI SOCIAL CLUB A Protest Song By DANNY GERMANSEN Inspired by the life of & talks with SUZANA LUNGU PreWord: Somewhere in the future, out in the woods, near a lake, Lived a woman her life… Scene #1 EXT: out side country house and in nature, Day. Fading up: A...
Just me, myself and mind

Just me, myself and mind

Depression, an battle thru the endless night, a climps of light. Pain, suffering, attacking my body and soul. Down in the hole, my mind works alone. Madness, stabbing thru my head. Makes me aware, makes me awake. Joggeling sanity, master of balance between fire and...
In the faraway dust of humanity

In the faraway dust of humanity

In the faraway dust of humanity. Try to get a climbs of what could happen, if the world as we now know it continues. In the faraway dust of humanity. Where will they lead us, how fare before it starts to burn? How fare will it go? How long will it last? In the faraway...


Uden for tid og sted har jeg befundet mig, med en hjerne i konstant rotation omkring månen, på en planet i konstant rotation omkring solen. Befundet mig på et mørkt koldt sted i en uendelig tid og rum, i den endelige galaxe i det uenderlige...
Machine takes over man

Machine takes over man

Machine takes over man makes him vulnerable makes him mad. machine makes man powerless makes man less and less. Machine takes over man machine makes man a stray pollute his airway. pollute his food is God, good? Machine takes over man isolated he hate man makes a...


lluminate our minds, free us from all possible pain and darkness. Give us trust in our faith and lead us into the light of wellbeing, and a life of untroubled fun and...


Tears from memories of an innocent and secure childhood, comforting in the arms of your parents, where the troubles of life and the dangers of the world has`t reach you yet and seems so faraway. Facebook Twitter Pinterest...


Du befinder dig alene på bunden af det dybeste hav, omgivet af kold tung mørkt vand der presser dig ned i dybet, der nede hvor solens stråler ikke rækker. Du befinder dig omgivet af mørke, du vil snart drukne og dine lunger vil smertefuld fyldes med mørk kold vand. Du...

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